Masuk Daftar

pakai topi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pakai topi"
  • pakai:    get into; wipe out; run through; take; with;
  • topi:    cap; hat; hats; hood; topi; topi, topee; topper;
  • pakai:    get into; wipe out; run through; take; with; assume; borrow; use up; put on; use; exhaust; take up; take over; deplete; consume; eat; eat up; do with; don; adopt; fasten; connect; wear
  • topi:    cap; hat; hats; hood; topi; topi, topee; topper; headgear; tit for tat; chapeau; headdress; lid; coif; bonnet
  • aturan pakai:    directions for use; method
  • bekas pakai:    second hand; second-hand
  • cuci pakai:    wash-and-wear
  • hak pakai:    right of use
  • nilai pakai:    use value
  • pakai celana:    wear pants
  • salah pakai:    ill-use; misdo
  • sambungan pakai:    screw-joints
  • sekali pakai:    throwaway
  • siap pakai:    handy; ready-made; ready-to-wear
  • tinggal pakai:    plug and play
  • Wear the hat then no one will recognize you
    pakai topi lalu tidak seorangpun yang mengenalmu
  • You should probably put on your bandit hat now.
    Anda mungkin harus bandit pakai topi sekarang.
  • Out in the sun yet again without a hat.
    Kau keluar tak pakai topi lagi?
  • She won't be nude, she'll be wearing a shower cap.
    Dia takkan bugil, dia pakai topi mandi.
  • I should have worn a swim cap like Mama said.
    Kata Ibuku, aku harus pakai topi renang.
  • Would you prefer I wear the sunhat?
    Apa kau lebih suka ibu pakai topi matahari?
  • Scary dream... I really like it.
    Pria yang pakai topi itu Ma Dae Young, 'kan?
  • Do you usually wear your cap in the mess?
    Apa kau selalu pakai topi di dalam bar perwira?
  • I'd like you to put this hat on.
    Aku ingin kau pakai topi ini.
  • So let's put on our thinking caps.
    Jadi mari kita pakai topi pemikiran kita.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5